
Catching Up

It's been a busy few months! I'd love to tell you I haven't blogged just because I've been lazy, but alas, the life of a stay-at-home Mom doesn't always offer thrilling fodder for the reading masses.
Carson: Turned one and has seven teeth and has taken as many as three steps at a time. He is into everything. I mean, everything. People aren't kidding when they tell you that's the difference between boys and girls. Kaitlin would not walk on grass or sand until she was about three. Seriously. Carson eats it, crawls all over it, the more the better!
Kaitlin: Started 4K at a new school and wears a little uniform every day. She (we) LOVE her school so far and I can't wait for her to start reading so we can read all those books I remember from that age.
Jesse: Now the wing exec here. For you non-military types, he's the executive assistant to the head guy on base. Just got selected for a three month internship in DC at DARPA, which you can google or wiki if you want to know more about it, but a good summary is that it's the organization of braniacs that came up with the Internet (no, it really wasn't Al Gore!) and do all kinds of cool science projects for DoD that we'll never hear about and therefore never attribute to them.
Me: I'm just minding my own business and trying to maintain the house and fam! I've started running with a friend from the neighborhood (of course, my definition of running is barely beyond most of your definitions of walking quickly) but we're training for a half marathon in October. I'm always happy to have a goal on the books; something to be working towards.
That's it for the moment; we had a great visit with family recently, hopefully have another visit coming up, and Jesse & I are taking a belated 10th anniversary trip to CO later this fall. The mountains are CALLING my name. It's been too long...