
March Fun

Whew, I cannot believe it's April already! Happy early Easter everyone--thank God for the hope we have in Him because He died for us and rose again. And Easter Egg hunts are real fun, too :)
March has been a growing month for our family. Jesse spent all but a few days away on trips, going all around the world. Some of his stops included Egypt, Nepal, Cyprus, Montenegro, and of course those countried we affectionately refer to as the "Stans"--Khazakstan, Kyrgzi- (sp?), Afgahni-, Paki-, etc. Then he came home for three days and was back out again, this time to Germany and back to Charleston several times. These times can be very trying for us as a family, but then the reward is in hearing my daughter's precious prayers upon his return--tagging on to the end of my bedtime prayer with "And thank you Lord that Daddy came home!"
Carson spent the month in and out of sleep (more out than in) probably because he was busy cutting his first tooth! He is crawling and laughing, sitting up and moving all around, and eating his solids, at long last, without spewing raspberries all over the kitchen. Thank God. The recycling zealots of the world would be thrown into convulsive fits if they knew the paper towels we went through.
When Jesse got tagged to go on his second trip of the month, I decided to up and head to Niceville, Florida with the kiddos to visit our great friends and Kaitlin's little BFF's (best friends forever, for you over-40 crowd). It was a looooong drive (10 hours for what should have been 8 hours each way because I had to stop and do all the feedings for little man!) but we got there and home safely and without a single traffic ticket so I guess that means we came out ahead. We had a BLAST letting the kiddos play and hanging out at the gorgeous Destin beaches. Kaitlin has been itching to fly kites, so she got to do that.
The best part of the whole gig is that Carson's sleeping patterns changed dramatically during the trip, and he has been consistently sleeping through the night (or really, really close to it) ever since Florida. I love that state. And the company. So, to some degree, I actually feel marginally sane again. Yahoo!
Enjoy some pics...thanks for dropping by to read!