
Happy 6 Months Carson

Carson turned 6 months on Friday--weighing in at 15 lbs 7 oz (10th - 25th%) and measuring in the 75th percentile. Healthy, happy, and growing, just the way we like 'em. More on him later in the post.
I took Kaitlin to the dentist for the first time Thursday. She was freaking out about the appointment so bad that I finally pointed out to her that she's never even been to the dentist or seen a dentist so why is she so worried? And she tells me that the dentist on Finding Nemo is mean and I'm all like crap, I had no idea she'd even put that together with her own dentist, but she's never been so why wouldn't she?! Anyways, after convincing her that Australian dentists use archaic tools and our dentists have bigger and better tools that don't hurt, she agreed to go. Had the cutest little young gal doing her cleaning who, thank God, was awesome with my little 'fraidy cat. She left with a goody bag (complete with a new pink Sleeping Beauty toothbrush) and thought she'd been in Heaven. Add that to the fact that her goody bag had a tooth holder in it (you know, for under your pillow after you lose one) and I told her all about the tooth fairy bringing money and suddnely she really likes the dentist. So then last night I take her to her first class at The Little Gym because one finally opened on my side of town. She had a ball and was walking the balance beam, and you know Kaitlin, helping the other kids to do it correctly, too. She left and was all smiles and so I asked her in the car on the way home what her favorite part of the day was. I meant, what at the Little Gym was her favorite thing. What she said was she liked the Dentist the best. Hmph.
And then there's Carson. I tried really hard with Kaitlin not to be competitive or to stress out when someone else's kid was smiling, walking, crawling, sitting, etc. earlier than she was but no matter how hard I tried, I still compared. The beauty of him is that (a) he only gets compared to Kaitlin and (b) I could give a poop when he sits up. Someone was bugging me about that the other day asking me why he wasn't sitting up yet and I'm all like, why would I want him sitting up, it just means he's mobile sooner which means I'm gonna have to put up baby gates sooner. Duh. I suppose he won't be off at kindgergarten pooping himself and drooling everywhere still, so it'll be just fine.
On that note--just so YOU can compare (ha ha) here's where Carson is at. At 6 months he is rolling over easily in both directions, loves a good array of baby fruits and vegetables, smiles all the time, especially at Kaitlin and especially when she says "Bananas!" Don't ask, I have no idea. Apparently it's absolutely hysterical to the under 5 crowd. He can also push up on his tummy and has that look on his face that says he would like to crawl if I could just please just do him the favor of providing the right motivation. He sits up briefly alone and for long periods unassisted and loves to be outside. He no longer hates his car seat (car seat colic, as I called it, mercifully passed) but it is still not always his favorite place, and if he is in a dead sleep in that seat and you bring it inside he WILL wake up just about as soon as you set him down. Every time. He is not walking, babbling, sitting unassisted, crawling, smoking or drinking anything other than milk. All in all, a good little guy. We are addressing sleep issues, as he still gets up 2-3 times most nights. Not sure what is going on there. I'd tell you he's napping pretty well, but if I did then he'd stop, so I'll tell you that his naps are the pits.
Some pics from the aquarium, too, for your enjoyment.