
Sooo, what's up?

Well, we just got back from Houston about a week ago. Carson got to meet Sue Sue and Papa Dick. Well, playing with Papa Dick was delayed a bit since he had unplanned emergency surgery the day after we arrived. Thankfully everything is fine now, just a few minor tweaks and he's all better.
Went trick or treating w/my high school buddy and her little boy--what fun it is to pop back into my hometown here and there and get to re-live those relationships as though we never left. I am so blessed. Our kiddos were funny. Kaitlin was all business marching house to house and carrying out her little trick or treat mission. Grier, on the other hand, was afraid the fun would end and after every house would say "One more house?" That went on for about 30 houses! Too cute. I hope she marries Grier one day (he's the little guy in the pic w/her).
Kaitlin was The Little Mermaid this year. Actually she wanted to be a sunshine initially--like the one on the Jimmy Dean breakfast sausage commercials where it's morning and the planets haven't eaten breakfast so they quit revolving around the sun. Yeah. So I searched high and low for a sunshine costume and couldn't find one. Fortunately as time closed in on us, we were at Costco and she fell for the Disney costumes and decided on Ariel instead.
The funny thing is, about a week ago, I was reading through one of the five million Parenting magazines that I've received. Seriously my living room rivals a doctor's waiting room. And what did they have on page 34, low and behold, but an "easy to make" costume of a sunshine! Trouble is this magazine said easy and sew in the same set of directions. Phhhts.
Carson did great on the airplane both ways. I will swear by traveling with kiddos under 6 months because my goodness, they are light and they sleep a lot. Not so sure as you get to be closer to one. By the time they are almost 2 and still free, it's almost worth it to buy their ticket because hey, the way we're headed, Carson's plane ticket will cost less than checking my luggage. Next time I'm in Houston I might just have to go naked.
I digress. Probably due to lack of sanity. Since we left for Houston, Carson's endured 3 time changes, a complete change of schedule and daytime routine, thrush (again), a growth spurt, weaning, a new nipple for his bottles. He has let me know he's not very excited about this change. I let him know that he's supposed to getting easier at three months, not harder. Hmph.
So at three months, he is still not talking, walking, crawling, or even sitting up. But he smiles and he laughs and thinks it's pretty funny whenever I kiss his feet on the changing table. And boy does he have abnormally sweaty feet; let me just apologize now to my future daughter in law. It's not my fault. What he does do that is too sweet...I will rock him to sleep at night briefly after he takes his last bottle and is ready. He'll be all burritoed-up (Swaddled) with his pacifier in. Almost invariably (or, until I write this) I will curl him up to my face, kiss him sweetly on the forehead, and that's when his eyes close and he lets go to sleep. It is the most heartwarming thing. And then a couple seconds later his pacifier will pop out of his mouth to indicate it's bed time. I love it.
Last thing--maybe you don't care but this might be as close to writing stuff in a baby book as I get so I wanted to note it here. Took him to the doc yesterday for said thrush, and he now weighs 13 lbs 11 oz with clothes on. Not bad!

really? you liked Seattle?

Yes. Really. Really really really really!